The all-in-one collaboration tool

Manage projects, tasks, code, bugs, and much more

Project management

Plan & deliver your best work

Quickly assess progress and edit plans with a few clicks.

Gantt charts

Quickly visualize and edit the timeline of your entire project.


Manage tasks through your workflow with Boards.

Burndown charts

See the work left to do and time left to do it at a glance.

Bug & Issue tracking

Capture every detail

Easily create and organize customized workflows.

Task hierarchy

Nest child tasks under parent tasks to stay organized.

Custom fields

Create custom categories that fit your team's workflow.

Issue templates

Standardize issue creation by creating templates.

Add issues via email

Set up automatic issue creation via an email address.

Versions & milestones

Organize and track every release and update.


Notify the right people about the updates they need.

Code Management

Manage code & documentation
alongside project work

With built-in code management, you can do it all in Backlog.

Git & SVN

Built-in repositories for easy code management.


Make project knowledge available and editable to all.

Drag & drop file sharing

Keep all related project files in one workspace.

Differences viewer

Verify changes and leave inline comments.

Pulls, merges, and branches

You can do it all right in Backlog.

IP Address Control

Manage who accesses your workspace.

Jira and Redmine Importer

Move your data in just a few steps

Everything you need under one roof

Plan work, track progress, and release code right in Backlog.